Thursday, February 14, 2013

Political Terminology

It's important that people learn to use correct terminology specifically when used in politics. You hear everyone calling for "Legalization" these days. Legalization means to repeal or replace a prohibition by writing a new law which usually contains a lot of restrictions on the action previously prohibited. Legalized alcohol is just as illegal as alcohol during the prohibition.
The only difference is in taxes. If you pay the taxes & fees it's OK to manufacture & distribute alcohol, however, if you don't pay the taxes & fees you can go to prison (even for just possession) As we can already see with marijuana is that it is only being legalized for taxation purposes (ie. it's the new alcohol). So, legalization means we trade on cartel for another since personal cultivation is either limited or banned altogether. It is for these reasons that I do not push for legalization. Instead I push for decriminalization!

       Decriminalization is the way it should be. Decriminalization means that all laws prohibiting an action will be repealed. If alcohol were decriminalized instead of legalized then every Tom, Dick & Harry could distill their own spirits & since there would be no limitations to ensure tax income for the state you would not have to worry about tax enforcement (DEA, ATF, EPA, etc...) If marijuana were "decriminalized" then there would be no taxes involved & the government wouldn't care how much you grow, sell or consume. If you go onto Wikipedia & look up "Legalization" The definition & article are completely backwards from the practice of "Legalization" Common for Wikipedia to be contrary to the truth.

      So, to sum it up. Legalization means that only some people will be allowed to have a monopoly on the market. Decriminalization means that there would be no laws or taxes regarding the product (in this case it would be marijuana) You could grow an entire forest of weed & no one would care.

Another term that's thrown around is "Progressive". When used in politics "progressive" means to progress the size & scope of government (ie. more government, less individual rights) After "progressive" socialists & communists left a bad taste many "progressive" leaders started calling themselves "liberals". The term liberal is from the word libertarian & they share the same core belief that less government control is better but, liberals want underserved people to be taken care of. That is how the "progressives" got in & took over "liberalism". They know that welfare = economic slavery & egalitarianism = equality enforced by government control. Another problem is that most liberals are young & don't remember the horrors caused by statism. So, you might be able to see how legalization gets used instead of decriminalization. It's all about control.

If we decriminalize marijuana there will be no control over who uses & how much. The statist & pro-government types don't want that. They want to control your actions & your morals. BTW there are right & left wing progressives. There are conservative progressives & liberal progressives. We need to get more libertarian centrist & ditch the trendy buzz word that really means extremist prohibitionist.

                                            Haha Weed

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