Monday, May 27, 2013

Government isn't your friend

  These days it seems that most people don't have a problem with the abuse of power but rather, who is abusing it. I do not support any political party (no matter how big or small) so, to me the abuse is the same no matter who or what party may be in power. I wish the era of big government would be over soon but, until people shed their political alliance and stand up for freedom it will creep along with it's encroachment into our daily lives until we become slaves to the system (we are not far from that). While George W. Bush ramped up the war on drugs and authorized the Patriot Act, Barack Obama has done the same and has added to that list: breaking Constitutional Law with many bureaucratic appointees, singling out political opponents with the force of law, multiple executions on American citizens without due process, promoting voter fraud, giving tax preference to personal friends, promoting political riots that often get violent, and the list can go on and on.

While I hated George W. Bush, I believed there still was a chance at beating the system. With Barack Obama I fear we may all end up being kept in check with egalitarian fascism before he leaves office (if he does). A lot of people that were outraged by George W. Bush's handling of the "War on Terrorism" have absolutely no problem with Barack Obama not only doing the same things but, also adding more to it. I do not approve of either.

Too many people will give up their freedoms just so they can get more "things" or so their man can win. If anyone wants to end the "War on Drugs" then we must acknowledge that there is also a current war against all of our freedoms. I will firstly never back a politician that refers to any part of the Constitution or Bill of Rights as being out of date as the documents are timeless and can be applied to any political situation. I also see most bureaucracies as not only a waste of resources but also, an abuse of power. The Federal Government is supposed to protect our freedoms not erode them away. If we are to win this war then we must do everything that we can to slow government down. No more "big" legislation, no more "crisis" legislation and no more quick decisions.

Now I've upset myself enough! I'm gonna go smoke a bowl. Till next time.

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